3 Tips on How to rock your bow tie like a pro
Bow ties are an essential part of any formal attire, but they are also incredibly versatile. You can wear them for black tie events, semi-formal occasions, and casual day-to-day wear. A bow tie doesn’t lend itself to subtlety. Therefore, it’s the perfect fashion accessory for men looking to make a statement. The bow tie you choose will reflect your personality, identity, and style. Here are a few tips on how you can incorporate the once-nerdy necktie into your everyday look.
Opt for a self-tie
We understand the convenience of a clip-on or pre-tied bow tie. However, if you take your style seriously, nothing looks more elegant and demonstrates masculine dexterity than a self-tied bow tie. With a bit of practice, you will master this fashion accessory in no time.
Balance is everything
Your overall look will significantly depend on how you pair your bow tie. As a rule of thumb, a bold tie will work better with a muted outfit and vice versa. Keep in mind, they can either be the perfect complement to an outfit or a distraction.
Mind the fabric
Like with most garments, the fabric you choose can speak volumes about you. For formal affairs, you should go for silk or wool bow ties. Linen, cotton, and seersucker bow ties are more suited for casual or semi-formal events.
The bottom line is that bow ties are cool. If you are new to the bow tie game, get your feet wet with a pre-tied bow or opt for a more solid color.